Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ever have one of those "get nothing done" days?

On the Hamster Wheel...

It seems like the faster I go the more I realize I'm not getting anywhere! This has been a very unproductive day...It started when I couldn't get logged on to my bank account. They had made me change my password and it didn't work. I had them send me the password and I copied and pasted to no avail. Finally, I emailed the bank, they called me and we got it sorted out. I live over 100 miles away from this bank and totally rely on the internet to check on deposits and withdrawals. Maybe it is time for me to consider switching banks?

It's such a major hassle to switch! I have to change at least 6 different accounts and deal with the government  to make the change- Argh! Now you know why I have been putting it off... :)

So next on my list of not getting done things is making more bags, making more soap, putting in an order and guess what? I have done none of them. I have gotten side tracked at least a dozen times. At this point I have decided to just wait until tomorrow, surely I will get stuff done then. 

What can I say? It's just been one of those "get nothing done days"!!

God bless you and see you next time!

Marla Riedling

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