Saturday, January 28, 2017

New listing available! Great exfoliation and fresh scent!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Out for a bit

Hello all,
I had surgery January 3rd so will be on light duty for many weeks to come. They wanted me to do it in August but I had too much to do! :-)
I did get lots of soaps made before the surgery! and with my husbands help I'll get a few small batches done that need doing. I'm resting and taking it easy.
Catching up on reading and getting bored by television (1 week and I'm sick of tv! :-))
Trying to behave and not lift anything close to my 10 pound limit.
I go see the doctor again soon, hoping it will all be terrific.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and happy new year!
Looking forward to doing more in 2017!
God bless,