Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Working with hemp oil and milk soaps

 June already! Where does the time go?

It's been a while since I posted! In May I made 2 soaps and they just finished curing and I'll be putting them up for sale shortly. The first is a new batch of soap I sell a lot of, it contains hemp oil & hemp milk; the second one is an even bigger seller-Citrus Melon Hemp Milk Soap. I really like the skin benefits of hemp! All the hand lotions I've made lately are either goats milk or hemp milk lotions. So soothing and healing to the skin! I love my hemp milk & oil!

Here's a post from Collective Evolution about hemp milk:

The hemp plant, including it’s seeds, offer a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition. In a single 8-ounce glass of hemp milk you can find the following nutrients:

900 mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid
2800 mg Omega-6 Fatty Acid
All 10 Essential Amino Acids
4 grams of Digestible Protein
46% of RDA of Calcium
0% Cholesterol
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Vitamin B12
Folic Acid
Vitamin D

And more…
From that stacked list we can see that hemp milk is a great source of nutritious protein and is capable of delivering the tough to find amino acid, GLA. Hemp milk is rich in protein and contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B-12 and folic acid, and is rich in magnesium, potassium, iron and magnesium. All essential nutrients for a healthy diet and immune system.

Notable Benefits

  • Strengthened Immune System
  • Clear, Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
  • Strong, Healthy Heart
  • Increased Mental Capacity
  • Hemp has anti-inflammatory agents and improves circulation.
Truly some amazing stuff!
Here are videos of the hemp soaps from May:

This month I did 2 more soaps that needed to be done. The first one-a new Hibiscus Soap, went fantastic so of course I forgot to film...isn't that the way it goes? Ha! I went ahead and did the second-Lavender Goats Milk, without filming as well. It will just be "after" pictures this round.

For now, hope you're having a joyful June and enjoying the warm weather!

God bless,

Marla Riedling
MJR Soaps

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